
Crime is a curse on the planet. Crime is to perform any such activity that
1)is illegal (not always).
2)causes a big loss.
3)hurts someone a lot.
4)is not supposed to be done.

Now-a-days, teenage people mostly do crimes. This causes the future
generations are interested in them. The world is full of crimes. There
are seldom societies which never had a crime.

Long, long ago, was a time when there was almost no crime. Then came a time
when people started to betray each other and break rules. Even many ancient
kings and queens were addicted to crimes. That led to the rise of crimes,
which led us to such a world that is full of crimes.

Areas which have less harmony and unity are most prone to crimes. Crime
started to spread from one society to another, which almost made the world
full of crimes. Human is the animal which is the most powerful, most
intelligent, and most crazy creature of all. How?

It is powerful as:
•It can do almost anything that God can do.
•It can kill any creature, whether it is small or big.
•It can build many creations that probably no one else can build.

It is intelligent as:
•It utilised its brain and made it progress more than others.
•It built the transport system, which made it able to cover lakhs of kms in an
•It built the computer, which can help it in many of his tasks.
•It built robots, which can move, talk and study like humans.

But it is a crazy, mad and fool as:
•It kills its very own brothers and sisters for almost NO reason.
•It harms and destroys the nature's gifts and later searches for them after
making them extinct e.g. many animals (ancient) have been made extinct by
killing due to human greed.
Crime is a very bad thing for everybody, thus should try to not do any. If we
make ourselves perfect, then at least 0.01 % of the world can be known as
perfect. We should contribute to the world, who gives us food, water, air,
shelter, etc. by making ourselves perfect.