
Crime is a curse on the planet. Crime is to perform any such activity that
1)is illegal (not always).
2)causes a big loss.
3)hurts someone a lot.
4)is not supposed to be done.

Now-a-days, teenage people mostly do crimes. This causes the future
generations are interested in them. The world is full of crimes. There
are seldom societies which never had a crime.

Long, long ago, was a time when there was almost no crime. Then came a time
when people started to betray each other and break rules. Even many ancient
kings and queens were addicted to crimes. That led to the rise of crimes,
which led us to such a world that is full of crimes.

Areas which have less harmony and unity are most prone to crimes. Crime
started to spread from one society to another, which almost made the world
full of crimes. Human is the animal which is the most powerful, most
intelligent, and most crazy creature of all. How?

It is powerful as:
•It can do almost anything that God can do.
•It can kill any creature, whether it is small or big.
•It can build many creations that probably no one else can build.

It is intelligent as:
•It utilised its brain and made it progress more than others.
•It built the transport system, which made it able to cover lakhs of kms in an
•It built the computer, which can help it in many of his tasks.
•It built robots, which can move, talk and study like humans.

But it is a crazy, mad and fool as:
•It kills its very own brothers and sisters for almost NO reason.
•It harms and destroys the nature's gifts and later searches for them after
making them extinct e.g. many animals (ancient) have been made extinct by
killing due to human greed.
Crime is a very bad thing for everybody, thus should try to not do any. If we
make ourselves perfect, then at least 0.01 % of the world can be known as
perfect. We should contribute to the world, who gives us food, water, air,
shelter, etc. by making ourselves perfect.


First of all, for those who don't know, I'm going to tell what is bullying.
Bullying is to torture the victim physically, verbally, emotionally or sexually.

Children all over the world do suffer a lot due to this. This results in stress and
internal pain for the victim.
Bullying is mainly done in childrens' schools and educational institutions worldwide. It may also be done when
children get out to play and so on. The main reasons for a child to be bullied
•The child is more intelligent than others, causing jealousy in other students of
the same grade.
•The child is very innocent, which makes others understand that bullying it
may not cause any type of 'an earthquake'.
•The child is of a lower physical structure allowing bigger and stronger
children to corner the feeble ones.

Is bullying good?

Why yes:
•It increases the immune system in the children to fight such circumstances
later in their life.
•It makes the children experience things which make them recognize that they
have to pass through such circumstances whole life.

Why no:
•It may make the child more feeble, decreasing its chances of progressing later
in its life.
•In case of blackmailing, the child would not be able to take any strong action
against the bully.
•If there is no strong action taken, it will make the bully realize that it is
supreme, and there can be no one against it.

How to take action if your child is being bullied:
•Soothe your child.
•Tell it that you take care of it and you understand it
•Recommend it some ways to fight the bullies.
•Do not overreact as it may make the situation worse.
•Help it regain it dignity.
•Complain to a higher authority if the child is physically or sexually bullied.

How to take action if you realize that your child is a bully:
•Please do not overreact.
•If your child is being bullied, stop it immidiately.
•Tell your child it is bad to bully.
•Praise it to make a good behaviour.
•If problem still persists, talk to its teachers. Perhaps they may handle it
better than you.

Muslims and their discrimination

"Why are Muslims discriminated?",
This question is what I ask every time I
watch web pages containing bad
information such as:
1)Muslims should be killed.
2)Muslims are terrorists.
3)Muslims are *******.
4)Muslims are the cause of battles.
et cetera.

Why is this so? Yes, I agree that some of the Muslims are terrorists, but that is not so with the whole Muslim race. I have myself studied and observed Quran and
found it interesting. If there is a poll to find out a Holy book book that teaches many good values, I will surely rate the Holy Quran as one of the best ones. Without the Muslims,

  • Urdu would not have been invented, and the Hindi usually spoken by the Indians would have just remained the Apabhramsha-Hindi instead.
  • Arabic would have become a minor language without the existence of such an influential civilization, which is now-a-days widely South-West Asian, North-East African and South-East European parts.

At last, I just want to say that instead of looking at the bad side of the Muslims, we should rather respect them and treat them all as our own brothers, since a man is not known by its religion, caste, gender or creed, it is only known by its qualities.

Natural Resources

Our Mother - The Nature, provided us all the necessary components for maintaining life on Earth, but nobody can be sure that those components are free gifts for us.

We all have right on it, but that doesn't mean that we should use it unnecessarily. We all are responsible for what the nature bears, and therefore the human race also bears the nature's revenge. The Tsunami of Japan has harmed crores of lives of humans, animals, birds and aquatic species. We all know that it got caused just because of the bombs dropped at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So we could say that it was not natural, but human-made disaster. After the end of the British Raj in India, she faced a lots of problem regarding food, which later got in control through the Green and other Revolutions.

So why don't we use natural resources in a limit? Why don't we stop using those resources unnecessarily? Why don't we stop wasting natural components for our battles? Hey, this article is not for just reading! You should make the lessons learnt through this article prevail in your life to make the earth a world of enough natural resources for us and our future generations.


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